The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

The Supreme Duty.

JlnjJddressgivenatthe T^arliamentofReligions,

Chicago, 1893.

1 SPEAKto-night onthesupreme duty. I

proclaim to-night theuniversallawoflife;

for only by service is fulness of life made

possible,totheserviceof manthewholeofthe

universeto-dayisyoked. Forunderthename

of man, man past, present, and future, man



individualshouldbepledged,that theobjectof

life, thatthe fashionof evolution; and I shall

trytoputforyouto-night in fewwordssome-

thingof theelementsof thisservice, something

of its meaning m daily hfe, as well as some-

thingof the heightswhereto the daily practice


indeed is thatreligion whichcannot teach the


life, andyield tothem inspiration which shall

aidthemintheirupwardclimbingto thelight.

Greatisphilosophywhich mouldstheminds

of men, great is science which gives light of

knowledgetotheworld; butgreaterthanallis

religion which teaches man his duty, which

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