The UseofEvil.^183
impliesperceptionand anobjectof perception;
but Brahmanisabsoluteunity,absoluteidentity.
We speak of thought where thought cannot
exist. It is unconditioned, therefore unintelli-
gible; unconditioned, therefore without limita-
tion. And,therefore, trulyisitwritten, '^hat
is neither conscious nor unconscious—albeit
thereissomedeeper essencewhich when con-
ditioned becomes consciousness, because con-
sciousness implies duality,consciousnessimplies
somethingwhich isconscious,andsomethingof
whichitisconscious. Thatis,atleast duality
ness is used, so that in that absolute unity,
wherethereisidentityand notdiversity, where
there is but the secondless One, there is no
possibilityof thinking,because there isabsence
of conditions, there is absence of limitation.
But the very moment the universe has, as it
were, to come into being, then there must be
conditions, there must be limitation. Limita-
tionisaconditionof manifestation,forthevery
point, the circle of a universe; without that
thought is lost in the absolute one-ness, the