The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

184 TheSpiritual Life.


taking them at leisure, may have materials to


Now^ let us consider the origm of evil.

Realise, to begin with, that no universe can

comeinto manifestationatall,that no manifes-


that no diversity can appear, unless there be

limitation. Thatisthe first point that^1 wish

to makeclear to yourminds. Theone exist-

ence, spoken of sometimes as Brahman, that

existenceis absolute and undivided; no attri-

butes arethere,no qualities are there. There

isunity,no diversity; there isunity,no multi-

plicity. It is "the One without a second.

Sothat, when for a momentyou try even to

think this Existence, in the very thinking by

which you must separate yourself from It,by

which you as a mind endeavour to consider

somethingwhichisthought of and is not the

thinker, bythat veryeffort of thought youin-

troduce dualityinto that which you are trying

to realise as unity; andwhen thereissepara-

tionbetween the thinkerandthought,whichis

implied in the effort, there is diversity,—not

Brahmanas Oneinwhomthereisno duality,

inwhomthereisno separated Being, inwhom

thereis neitherthinker northought. Thought

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