The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

200 The Spiritual Life.

everything which sets itself against it, and

causesfriction and retardation,wearsitself out

bythe veryfriction whichit causes. Itisone

of the laws of motion that a moving body

continuestomoveif notopposed,butif friction

is generated by its coming mto contact with

anotherbodyit willgraduallycometoastand-

still; wherever there is friction there is this

expenditure of energy, and this friction trans-

mutesmovingenergyinto anotherform,suchas

heat, and the energy is dissipated; continued

frictioncausesthedissipationof theformwhich

is subject to it. It is not that the energy is
annihilated; it is not that the energy is de-
stroyed; that cannot be. It is that the form

isdestroyedwhich comesintocontactwiththat

inwhichtheoppositeforceismanifested. The

form perishesbecause the opposition breaksit

intopieces,orratherit breaksitself intopieces
against the opposing force,butthe energyper-

sistsbecauseitispartofone eternal life. But

youmaysay,whythisretardingforce? Why

should there be in evolution this action of

retardation? Whyshouldtherebeinevolution

somethingwhichopposes? Howcanitcome?

If everything is from the One, how can it


First,because the conditionof anydiversity

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