204 The Spiritual Life.
thetendencyto falseness,thereis developedin
you the increasing power to be true. Now
whatisTruth? TruthisBrahman: Truth is
life: Truth is the essenceofwhatwe callthe
Divine Life; and we reach it by struggling
against falsehood, developing, as it were, the
virtuewhichisthereceptacleoftheDivine Life,
and as youenlarge it and increase it byyour
struggling against falsehood-as the muscle
grows larger by practice against the weight-
youare making yourcharacter a receptaclefor
the Divine Life, that Divine Lifewhich shall
flowin inever-increasingvolume and giveyou
greaterpower. Thusyouaredevelopingthose
could neverhave evolved, and which,in pro-
portion to the energies evolved byyourefforts
against falsehood,willpurify yournature from
falsity,and render true the lifewhich youare
developing. So also with every other virtue.
absence,ofanobject whichyoufear. If there
of fear,then courage could never be evolved.
Butthepresence of these objects that givethe
sensation of fearincreasestheexperienceofthe