The Use ofEvil. 205
first was terrifying to it, that which was an
object of terrortoitwhen first seen,gradually
loses its terrifying quality as it becomes more
and more familiar? See how timid a little
childis; seehowheseeseveninastrangeface
an objectwhich terrifies him. Howshallthat
face of men? Not by shutting him up in a
roomwherehewillneversecanybody. Ifyou
keephim in a roomwhere thereis no strange
face the childhas nofear. Fearis generated
by letting him face unknown objects, and
presently he begins to understand them, until
out of constant experiences fear is eliminated,
And so I might take virtue after virtue to
tion, and that in the result of these opposing
forces lies the value of this retarding energy:
thereisthevalueoftheevolutionof evilwhich
actsasaweight against the efforttowardsper-
fection andtherebydevelopsthestrengthwhich
checks the desire for these forms which are
doomedtodestruction; forthemenwhochoose
destruction,must share the fate of thoseforms