The Use ofEvil. 213
real answer is suggested in that law which I
have been shewing to you. The bonds are
broken by these inevitable experiences which
life afterlifeteach the Soul the nature of the
universeintowhich it hascome. Butdesireis
a binding force, and as long as thereisdesire
so long must men come back to birth. The
desireforgoodwilldrawit backaswellasthe
desireforevil,thedesireforreligious happiness
will draw it back, as well as the desire for
earthlyJoys; the desire forthe praise of men,
for love, for knowledge even. A Soul may
desire results of a high and noble character;
stillthere is a desire forresults, and thismust
bind it to places where the results are to be
found. ThereforeinordertogetridofKarma
we must get rid of desire. Not cease from
action-that is unnecessary, but act without
desire-makingeveryeffortwhich is necessary,
yetindifferenttotheresult. Thisisthefamihar
lesson given by Shn Krishna,this the essence
ofalltruth. Itis renunciationofdesire,notof