The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

The Use ofEvil. 215

sacrifice; heoffersallhisactions assacrificesto

God andremains indifferenttothefruitsofthe

sacrifice,fortheylieatthefeet ofGodand not

mtheheartofthedevotee. Suchamanmakes

noKarma,forsuchamanhasnodesire; such

a mancreatesnolinkswhichbindhimtoearth,

such a man isspirituallyfree, although around

himactionsmayspringuponeveryside. Thus

is it when a man is born into the sphere of

knowledge; thus is itwhenamanisborninto

the sphere of devotion; and the life of such

a man is as an altar, and burning upon that


Every action is cast into the fire and is con-

sumed therein, rising up as the smoke of a


save the fuel of knowledge and the fire of


Such then imperfectly sketched-for the

subject is too vast-are the lines alongwhich

you maystudythe ancientproblem,and which

maymake more clear to you the reason why

painand imperfectionexist; wehaveseenthat

evil originatesin limitation,we have seen that

evil is a but relative thing,and how what we

callevilisoftenonlyaveilofevil and beneath

it a future good. Wehave seenhow actions

ofmen, whentheydxe developed becomeevil,

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