The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

236 TheSpiritualLife.

stress on matters that we overlook. So sur-

theyteachthe readersagreat lessonof caution

in the formation of opinions aboutothers,and

make one realise the wisdom of the Teacher

whosaid: "Judgenot,thatyebenotjudged."

A judgment which has not before it all the

facts, whichknows nothingof the causesfrom

which actions spring, which regardssuperficial

appearances and not underlying motives, is a

judgment which is worthless, and, in the eyes


the judge rather than the victim. Eminently

isthistrueas regardsthe judgmentspassedon

H. P. Blavatsky, and it may beworth while

to consider what is connoted by the words


have held the position of a disciple and an

initiate, despite the criticisms showered upon


Let us define our terms. A "disciple" is

thenamegiven, in the occult schools,to those


nisedbysome Master as attachedto Himself.

The termassertsa fact, nota particular moral

stage, and does not carry with it a necessary

implicationofthehighestmoralelevation. This

comes out strongly in the traditional story of

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