The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

238 TheSpiritual Life.

buttrue. Certainlythereisakarmaconnected

withaction; the past evil desire and thought,

which are made manifest man evilactinthe

present,havehadtheirevil fruit intheshaping




theremainingkarmaof the actiongrowsoutof

its effect on others,and thisreacts laterinun-

favourable circumstance. Action, in thewide


andactivity; thedesiregeneratesthought; the

thoughtgeneratesactivity; theactivitydoesnot

generate directly but only indirectly. Hence

the man's desires and thoughts are the most

vitalelementsintheformation of the judgment

passedontheman. Whathedesires,whathe

thinks,thatheIS; whathedoes,thatheWAS.

It follows that a man with past heavykarma


festation of that karma,and its fruitage inthe


himcreditintheeyesof hisworld. Fromthe

occultstandpointsucha man istobehelpedto

the utmost, so that he may be able to pass

through the awful strain,the bearingof which

successfully means triumph, the succumbing to


Moreover, in passing right judgments on

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