The PerfectMan. 251
the"unityofhumanity,"andfeelswhat itisto
hve in all that lives andmoves, and thiscon-
to man. The unity is not only seen by the
intellect, butit isfelt as satisfyingthe yearning
forunionwhichallknowwhohaveloved; itis
a unityfeltfromwithin,notseenfromwithout
Inmanypagesof old,but everon thesame
lines, hasthe birth of the Christ in man been
figured. And yet how all words shaped for
of life.
But the child must grow into the perfect
man,and thereis muchto do, muchweariness
to face,many sufferingsto endure, manycom-
batstowage, manyobstacles to overcome,ere
the Christ born m the feebleness of infancy
may reach the stature of the Perfect Man.
Thereisthe life of labour amonghis brother-
men; there is the facing of ridicule and sus-
picion; there is the dehvery of a despised