The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

The PerfectMan. 253

His first sharp struggle Is to put aside all

thatuptothispointhasbeenforhim life,con-


no longer identifying himself with any form.


the inner divinity can manifest, the law which

istheantithesisof hispast. Thelaw ofform

istaking; thelawoflifeisgiving. Lifegrows

bypouringitself out through form, fed by the

inexhaustible sourceof life at the heart of the

universe; the more thelifepoursitselfoutthe

greater the inflow from within. It seems at

first to the young Christ asthough all hislife

were leaving him, as though his hands were

left empty after outpouring their gifts on a

thanklessworld; onlywhen the lower nature

has been definitelysacrificed isthe eternal life

experienced,andthatwhich seemed the death

ofbeingisfoundtobeabirthinto a fullerlife.

Thus consciousness develops, until the first

stage of the path is trodden, and the disciple

seesbeforehimthesecond Portalof Initiation,

symbolised in the Christian Scriptures as the

BaptismoftheChrist. Atthis,ashedescends


thateverySaviourofmenmust be baptisedin,

a newflood of divine lifeis pouredout upon


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