The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

254 TheSpiritualLife.

inwhomthelife ofthe Fatherfinds fitexpres-

sion. He feels the hfe of the Monad, his

Father in Heaven, flowing into hisconscious-

ness,and realisesthat he is one,notwithmen

only, but also with his heavenly Father, and

thathelivesonearth onlyto betheexpression

of the Father's will. His manifested organism.

Henceforth is his ministry to men the most

patentfactinhislife. HeistheSon,towhom


life flows forth,and he has becomea channel

through which that hidden life can reach the

outerworld. He isthepriestof the Mystery

God, who has entered within the veil, and

comes forth with the glory shining from his

face, which isthe reflection ofthe lightm the


It isthere thathe beginsthat workof love

symbolised inthe outerministrybyhiswilling-


souls seeking light and life, attracted by his

innerforceandbythe divinelife manifestedin

the accredited Son of the Father. Hungry

soulscometo him,and he gives them bread;


hehealsthembyhislivingword; soulsblinded

byignorancecome,and heilluminatesthemby

wisdom. It isone of the signs ofa Christ in

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