The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

260 TheSpiritual Life.

softened the pangs of loss. Not one being,

however feeble, however degraded, however

ignorant, however sinful, who is not a little

nearertothelightwhen a Son of the Highest

has finished his course. How the speed of

evolution will bequickened as moreandmore

of these Sons risetriumphant, and enterinto

conscious life eternal! Howswiftly willturn

thewheelwhichliftsmanintodivinityas more


Herein lies the stimulusforeachofus who,

inournoblestmoments,have feltthe attraction

ofthelifepouredoutforloveofmen. Letus

thinkofthesufferings of theworld that knows

notwhyitsuffers; ofthemisery,thedespairof

men who know not why they live, and why

theydie; who,dayafterday,yearafteryear,

see sufferings fall upon themselves and others

and understand not their reason; who fight


against conditions they cannot comprehend or

justify. Let us think of the agony bom of

blindness,of thedarknessinwhichtheygrope,



theveil. Let us think of the millions of our


ingenergiesborn of oursufferings,ourstruggles
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