266 The SpiritualLife.
agesof eternity. All thiswillbejustenough
to remind you of what lies behind us in the
past,offacts already fanmiliar,but which must
beclearlyinyour minds if you are to seethe
futurethat awaitsus,thefuturewhichIamto
Thisgreat Life-Breath thenis sweeping on
andman is beginningto be,and that wave is
the wave of evolution, the law by which all
must live, theprogress by which all is carried
onwards-man as well astheplanetonwhich
he lives,the universe and all worlds that are
therein; all thatgoeswithitscurrentiscarried
onwardandupward,allthat sets itself against
itiscastdownwardas wreckage,tobeworked
up again in some far-off future in which all
missedpossibilitiesshall berealised. Wemay
think of man nowas the individualbeginning
his upward climbing, and coming up to the
place atwhichwestand to-day. In orderto
make a difficult subject a little clearer, let me
ask you to image in your minds the three
greatkindsof activitiesm whichmankind pro-
gresses. Icouldfancythemasamightythree-
sided pyramid, with upward-pointing apex
piercing heaven, each side of the pyramid
typifyingoneof thethreegreatactivitiesof the