TheFuture thatAwait* Us.^275
astral senses, while still distinguishable from
eachother-forweare notbeyond thesewalls
of separation in the astral world- are not so
limited as the physical; astral vision sees
behind, beforeandaround,itseeseverysideof
an object and pierces through it; the senses
acquirefresh subtletyandacuteness andrefine-
pours in through thesewider windowsof the
soul; thekeener,strongersensespiercethrough
and make of none effect the obstacles that
hindered man when his consciousness could
only work through the physical body.
Taking uptheactivitieson the side of love,
and first theserviceof thoseaboveus,we find
thatwhenmanpasses into the astralworld he
will see there as phenomena which he can
investigate much that he onlydreamed of,or
took on faith, when restricted to the physical
world. And there are great truths, great
realities, mighty intelligences with whom he
willfirst comeintotouchin thisastralworld-
only touching the fringe and not yet under-
standing the nature-only a far-off touch, but
still it will make them real to him, and no
longeronlymattersoffaith. Asthisunknown
world opens up before theawakenedvisionof
man,asitisnowopenonlyto thefew,hewill