274 TheSpiritual Life.
Well,let us glance forwards,and see how
andhappinesson thisphysicalplane. Allthe
changesthatwillcome into the physical plane
wardsof the higher powers thatwillthenbe
generallyevolvedinman. Wecannowpicture
to ourselves the nearest step, that into the
second great stage of our pyramid; mankind
willbecome self-consciouson the astral plane,
conqueringthe astral realm,and willthusfind
itselfina newworld. Here manwill taketo
himself newpowers,adoptnewmethods,with
new vistas opening before him, new poten-
tialitiesblossomingforthoneveryside. Itisthe
racethat is rising,not merely stray individuals
thatare outstripping their fellows. Letustry
to realise this next stage in human progress,
when the majority of mankind will have ex-
panded from self-consciousnessin the physical
toself-consciousnessintheastralworld; letus
inthe physicalworld mankindwillevolveand
grow. Forwhatisthisastralworld, andwhat
dowemeanbytheexpanding ofconsciousness
First,thereisexpansionofsense-power. The