The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

284 TheSpiritual Life.


of the painter will glow with the beauties of

the astral. And when the musician writes

somegreat symphonyor marvelloussonata, he

will not only breathe forth sounds to charm

theears of men,but colours will flash out as


be a dazzling series of colours as well as of

sounds,with a beauty that isnow undreamed

of,with a perfection and a delicacy which as

yetmancannot know.

Fromthe sideof wisdom let uspasstothe

side of power. Societywill thenbe replaced


builders' hands. Allthe differentfunctionsof

aperfectlyorderedStatewill bedischarged by

those who arefitted foreach bytheir natural

evolution. Thenallmen'sauraswillbevisible

tothosewhoguide the State,andaccordingto

the knowledgeandthepowerand thebenevo-

lencevisibletotheastralsightwill betheduty

eachiscalled onto discharge. Eachman has

around him in his aurathe dehneation of his

characterand ofhispowers,markingthe func-


each manwillthenbesenttohisrightfulplace


a feeling that justice is done will make men

harmonious,eachknowingthat heisdoingthat

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