The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1




isgreaterthanthegloryof the personalfailure

which ensures universal success. (Applause.)

Thatisonlyforthe strong. I grantit. That

is only for the heroes. It is their work and

theirdelight. But even to beable to seethe

beautyof itistobringsomeof thebeautyinto

everyoneof ourlives. For to seea thing to

benobleisto begintoincarnatethatnobilityin

your life, and the mere recognition of the

splendour of an idealisthe first step towards


Nowsuppose that youandI canshapeour



man living in the life of the world, making

the world slowly after the fashion of the


perfectlymanifested Divine thought. That is

the central idea thenwhichwill transform the

manofthe world into the spiritual man, and

in the world it can best be performed. The

life of the jungle, for those who know the

many lives of men, is never the last life of a

saviourof hisrace. Sometimessuchalifewill

be one of the many lives through which he

goestogather universalexperience; sometimes
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