The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

24 TheSpiritual Life.

atimeof gatheringstrength togetherandaccu-

mulating the power that hereafter is to be

used; butthe hfeof the Christs of theraceis

the life in the world, and not the life in the

jungle. Though we may profitably go some-

timesinto seclusion, themanifested God walks

in the haunts of men. For onlythere isthe

great work to bedone, there the trials to be

faced, there the powers to be opened up.

When all ourpowers are brought out, when

weare all of usChrists,ah! thenwecango

out of the outer life of the world to become

partof itsinner lifewhich shapes and moulds

the outer activity; but those who are only

growingto that stature must growbythe law

of growth, and that is the law of experience.

But onlythe perfect maypass behind theveil

and thence send out the spiritualpowers un-

foldedinthelifeof theworld.

Andsoitseemstomethereisnotoneof us

who maynot begin to lead the truly spiritual

life, and the world will be the betterfor the

living, while the man will unfold the more

rapidlyfor hiseffort. For everyoneof us,if


hisown life into a perfectimage,the image of

the Divinemanifest inman. Itisnot thatthe

Divine is notwithm you; wereitnotso,how

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