The Place of Peace.
HTHE rush,theturmoil,thehurryofmodern
"* lifearein everybody'smouthas amatter
of complaint. "I have notime' isthe com-
monestof excuses. Reviews serve forbooks
investigation. Moreandmorethe attentionof
men andwomen is fastened onthe superficial
things of life; smallprizes of businesssuccess,
petty crowns of social supremacy, momentary
notorietyintheworld of politics orof letters-
forthese things men andwomen toil,intrigue
andstrive. Theirwork mustshow immediate
postmustalwaysbeinsight,tobepassed bya
crowdhailingthewinner. Thesolidreputation
builtupbyyearsofstrenuouswork; thepatient
toilthatlabours foralifetimeinafieldwherein
theharvestcan onlyripenlong afterthe sower
haspassedoutofsight; thedeliberatechoiceof