The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

The Place ofPeace. 65

by worry and by anxiety. When Its results

appear, we note them for instruction, but we

neitherrejoicenormournoverthem. Remorse


weakens usin,the performanceof ourpresent

duty,andthereisnotimeforeither. Suppose

the results are evil, the wise man says: "I

made a mistake, and must avoid a similar

blunderinfuture; butremorsewillonlyweaken

my present usefulness and will not lessen the

results of my mistaken action. So instead of

wastingtime in remorse, I willset to work to

dobetter." Thevalueof thusseparatingone-

self from results lies in the calmnessof mind

thusobtained andtheconcentration brought to

bear on each action. "Whoever in acting

dedicateshisactionstothe SupremeSpirit[the

One Self]and puts asideall selfish interest in

their result, is untouched by sm, even as the

leaf of the lotus is unaffected by the waters.

Thetruly devoted, for the purification of the

heart, perform actions with their bodies, their

minds, their understanding, and their senses,

puttingawayallself-interest. Themanwhois

devoted and not attached to the fruit of his

actions obtains tranquillity; whilst he who

through desirehas attachment for the fruitof


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