
(Michael S) #1
Workshop Module 3: Houses, Water, and Waste Management 103

The benefits of wastewater gardens include:

  • They don’t cost very much to make and require minimal maintenance.

  • The outflow from the system is an effective fertilizer.

  • They are sealed so no wastewater contaminates the soil, ground water, or
    coastal waters.

  • They reduce the amount of pollutants from wastewater and make the water safe
    for irrigation.

  • They remove the potential for stagnant wastewater around houses, which is a
    breeding area for mosquitoes and water born bacteria.

The facilitator can show images, which explain different types of wastewater treatment

systems and explain in more detail a basic system for home use that can be replicated

at low cost using local resources in villages.

See PC Book MOD 3 – Houses, Water, and Waste Management, and/or the IDEP

Wastewater Gardens Fact Sheet for more details and illustrations.

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