Time Management

(Elliott) #1

insight is that the failure to engage in slow thinking when it
is required and necessary is the cause of many of the mis-
takes that we make in life.
To become excellent in time management, and to get
your entire life under control, you need to engage in “slow
thinking” on a regular basis. Start with the question, “What
am I trying to do?”

Think Before Acting
Very often you can find yourself working extremely hard at
your work, but you have not taken the time to stand back
and think about what it is you really want to accomplish.
There is the story of the husband and wife who leave on
a car trip from San Diego to Los Angeles. He is unfamiliar
with the road but driving at full speed in any case. At a cer-
tain point, the wife says, “Honey, is Phoenix on the way to
Los Angeles?”
He then says, “Why do you ask?” She answers, “Well, we
just passed a sign that said we are on the road to Phoenix.”
He replies, “Never mind. We’re making great time!”
Before you step on the accelerator of your own life, you
must develop absolute clarity about what you are really try-
ing to accomplish.
In The Devil’s Dictionary, Ambrose Bierce wrote that “the
definition of fanaticism is redoubling your efforts after your
aim has been forgotten.”
Is your goal to create a great life? Are you trying to build a
great career or accomplish a great piece of work? Your ability


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