Time Management

(Elliott) #1

Examine Your Methodology
When you are clear about what you are trying to do, you
must then ask, “How am I trying to do it?” Each time you ask
and answer these two questions, you will gain valuable
insights that will allow you to look at your situation and
know whether you are on the right track.
Once you are clear about what you are trying to do and
how you are trying to do it, you must then ask a third ques-
tion: “How is it going?”
Is what you are doing moving you toward what you want
in the fastest and most efficient way? Are you happy with your
rate of progress? Are things going well, or are you experiencing
too many roadblocks and obstacles on your journey?
Most of all, question your assumptions. As Peter Drucker
said, “Errant assumptions lie at the root of every failure.”
What are your assumptions about your work and your
life? What are your conscious assumptions? What are your
unconscious and often unquestioned assumptions? It is
amazing how many hardworking people are laboring on the
basis of false assumptions that they have never questioned.

Seek a Better Way
As you ponder the “How’s it going?” question, you should
also be considering another important question: “Could
there be a better way?”
The fact is that there is almost always a different and bet-
ter way to achieve a business goal. This other way may be
faster, cheaper, easier, and more effective.


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