Time Management

(Elliott) #1

graph. Very often, you do not need to read all the details in
the story to understand exactly what has happened.

Read Selectively
Magazines are designed and crafted in a way to get you to
read through the magazine page by page. This is so that you
will get the maximum exposure to the advertisements in the
magazines. (It’s the same with newspapers.)
For this reason, you must read magazines, journals,
newspapers, and newsletters selectively, reading only what
is relevant and important to you. Review the table of con-
tents and go straight to the articles of interest to your life and
work. A great technique for printed materials is called “rip
and read.” Rip out the articles that you want to read, put
them in a file, and carry the file with you to be referred to
later, when you have “downtime.”
Review books carefully before deciding which ones you
want to spend time reading. You can subscribe to book
review services, both in print and online, and get the very
best ideas from any book in just a few minutes.

Just Say No
The best way to save time in your reading endeavors is to
make a decision not to read something at all. By carefully
screening the material’s foreword, table of contents, the
introduction and information about the author, or the
index, you may find that the book or journal is not of impor-
tance to you. In that case, discontinue reading or discard it

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