Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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176 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success

Water heating could be done off-peak, if a storage system is avail-
able and off-peak thermal storage can be accomplished for use in
on-peak heating or cooling of buildings. Electrical measurements
of voltages, currents, and wattages may be helpful. Any informa-
tion which leads to a piece of equipment being used off-peak is
valuable and could result in substantial savings on electric bills.
The auditor should be especially alert for those infrequent on-peak
uses that might help explain anomalies on the energy demand

  • Other Energy-consuming Equipment: Finally, an inventory of all
    other equipment that consumes a substantial amount of energy
    should be taken. Commercial facilities may have extensive comput-
    er and copying equipment, refrigeration and cooling equipment,
    cooking devices, printing equipment, water heaters, etc. Industrial
    facilities will have many highly specialized process and produc-
    tion operations and machines. Data on types, sizes, capacities, fuel
    use, electrical characteristics, age, and operating hours should be
    recorded for all of this equipment.

Preliminary Identification of ECOs: As the audit is being con-
ducted, the auditor should take notes on potential ECOs that are
evident. Identifying ECOs requires a good knowledge of the available
energy efficiency technologies that can accomplish the same job with
less energy and less cost. For example, overlighting indicates a poten-
tial lamp removal or lamp change ECO, and inefficient lamps indicate
a potential lamp technology change. Motors with high use times are
potential ECOs for high efficiency replacements. Notes on waste heat
sources should indicate what other heating sources they might replace,
as well as how far away they are from the end use point. Identifying
any potential ECOs during the walk-through will make it easier later
on to analyze the data and to determine the final ECO recommenda-

Post-Audit Analysis
Following the audit visit to the facility, the data collected should
be examined, organized and reviewed for completeness. Any missing
data should be obtained from the facility personnel or from revisiting
the facility. The preliminary ECOs identified during the audit visit

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