Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

(singke) #1

Appendix B 331

against actual metered energy and demand data.

The IPMVP is a framework of definitions and methods for as-
sessing energy savings. The IPMVP framework was designed to allow
users to develop an M&V plan for a specific project. The IPMVP was
written to allow maximum flexibility in creating M&V plans that meet
the needs of individual projects, but also adhere to the principles of
accuracy, transparency and repeatability. In the case where users are
required to demonstrate adherence, or wish to claim adherence with
the IPMVP, the following issues should be addressed.

  • The two parties should identify the organization/person responsible
    for M&V activities. This organization/person should be responsible
    for approving the site-specific M&V plan, and making sure that the
    M&V plan is followed for the duration of the contract.

  • The M&V plan should clearly state which IPMVP Option (or
    combination of Options) and methods (linear regression, multiple
    regression, bin method etc.) will be used to determine the energy

  • The two parties should agree on a site-specific plan that specifies
    the metering/monitoring to be conducted. The plan should clearly
    state how the baseyear energy use and baseyear conditions are to
    be established including: what measurements are to be taken, how
    the data are to be used, what variables are to be stipulated and the
    basis for stipulation. The plan should provide information on the
    metering equipment, its calibration, the location of measurements,
    duration of the metering period, accuracy of the measurement
    process, etc.

  • The M&V plan should specify the details of how calculations
    should be made by stating the variables (run-time hours, electri-
    cal consumption in a lighting fixture, kW/ton, etc.) that should be
    measured and any associated assumptions.

  • The two parties should agree on how quality assurance should be
    maintained and replicability confirmed.

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