Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

(singke) #1

Appendix B 339

For monthly or daily analysis, government published weather data
should be treated as the most accurate and verifiable. However weather
data from such source may not be available as quickly as site monitored
weather data.
When analyzing the response of energy use to weather in math-
ematical modeling, daily mean temperature data or degree days may
be used.

4.10 COST
The cost of determining savings depend on many factors such as:

  • IPMVP Option selected

  • ECM number, complexity and amount of interaction amongst

  • number of energy flows across the boundary drawn around the
    ECM to isolate it from the rest of the facility in Options A, B or
    D when applied to a system only

  • level of detail and effort associated with establishing baseyear
    conditions needed for the Option selected

  • amount and complexity of the measurement equipment (design,
    installation, maintenance, calibration, reading, removal)

  • sample sizes used for metering representative equipment

  • amount of engineering required to make and support the stipula-
    tions used in Option A or the calibrated simulations of Option D

  • number and complexity of independent variables which are ac-
    counted for in mathematical models

  • duration of metering and reporting activities

  • accuracy requirements

  • savings report requirements

  • process of reviewing or verifying reported savings

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