Appendix B 351
27 Goldberg, M.L. 1996a. “The Value of Improved Measurements: Facing
the Monsters That Won’t Annihilate Each Other,” Energy Services Jour-
nal, 2(l):43-56.
28 Goldberg, M.L. 1996b. “Reasonable Doubts: Monitoring and Verification
for Performance Contracting,” Proceedings of the ACEEE 1996 Summer
Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, 4.133-4.143 Washington, D.C.:
American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy.
29 Haberl, J., Bronson, D. and O’Neal, D. 1995. “Impact of Using Measured
Weather Data vs. TMY Weather Data in a DOE-2 Simulation,” ASHRAE
Transactions, V. 105, Pt. 2, June.
30 Haberl, J., Reddy, A., Claridge, D., Turner, D., O’Neal, D. and Heffington,
W. 1996. “Measuring Energy-Savings Retrofits: Experiences from the
Texas LoanSTAR Program,” Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report No.
ORNL/Sub/93-SP090/1, February.
31 Haberl, J., Turner, W.D., Finstad, C., Scott, F. and Bryant, J. 1992. “Calibra-
tion of Flowmeters for use in HVAC Systems Monitoring,” Proceedings
of the 1992 ASME/JSES/KSES International Solar Energy Conference.
32 Hadley, D.L. and Tomich, S.D. 1986. “Multivariate Statistical Assessment
or Meteorological Influences in Residence Space Heating,” Proceedings
of the ACEEE 1986 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings,
Vol. 9, pp. 9.132-9.145.
33 Harding, J. (ed). 1982. “Recent Advances in Chilled Mirror Hygrometry,”
General Eastern Corporation Technical Bulletin, 50 Hunt Street, Water-
town, Massachusetts.
34 Heinerneier, K. and Akbari, H. 1993. “Energy Management and Control
Systems and Their Use for Performance Monitoring in the LoanSTAR
Program,” Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Report No. LBL-
33114-UC-350, June, (prepared for the Texas State Energy Conservation
35 Houcek, J., Liu, M., Claridge, D., Haberl, J., Katipamula, S. and Abbas,
M. 1993. “Potential Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Savings at the
State Capitol Complex,” Energy Systems Lab Technical Report No. ESL-
TR-93/01-07, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.