Appendix B 369
Post-Retrofit Energy Use
The post-retrofit energy use for Equation 1 is taken directly from the
utility bills without adjustment.
Routine Adjustments
Routine adjustments are needed to bring baseyear energy use to the
conditions of the post-retrofit period. For the first year after retrofit the
routine adjustments are computed as follows.
See figure opposite.
a. facts from the baseyear energy data
b. facts from the baseyear energy data
c. facts from the post-retrofit metering periods
d. facts from the post-retrofit metering periods
e. (c) × 9.16 for month where DD > 25
f. (d) × 2.55 for months where DD > 25
g. (a/b) × (c) for months where DD = 25 or less
h. (e) + (f) + (g)
i. (h) - (a)
Electricity Consumption:
Calculations for each of the two electricity consumption meters
are performed separately in the same fashion as the gas meter above,
using the relevant baseyear data, regression factors, metering periods
and degree days. The net routine adjustments for each month are shown
in the Savings section below.
Electric Demand:
No routine adjustments are made since no correlation was found
with weather.
Non-Routine Adjustments
During the first post retrofit period extra computer equipment
was added, partially replacing older computers. The following monthly
energy and demand estimates were made from nameplate ratings, typi-
cal loading and operating hours for the ten months when school is in