Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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Appendix C 427

will require an integrated building assessment.
The principles that underlie the BAQA process are derived sub-
stantially from a guidance document entitled Building Air Quality pre-
pared by the US. EPA and NIOSH (EPA/NIOSH 1991; http://www. epa.
gov/reg5oair/radon/healbld1.htm#bldgaqguinfo). The US EPA/NIOSH
have also prepared and an accompanying Building Air Quality Action
Plan (
The US EPA/DOE (Department of Energy) Energy Star Program
have recently announced a new Energy Star Building labeling program
( Based on current plans, commer-
cial buildings whose energy performance is among the top 25% in the
nation and which meet specific requirements for comfort and IEQ will
be awarded and Energy Star Building Plaque.
Another private sector organization that promotes improved IEQ,
as well as energy efficiency, is the US Green Buildings Council (http:// The Green Building Council has a building rating
system called LEED (


Linkages Between Energy

Conservation Measures and IEQ

This section lists common energy conservation measures for
commercial buildings, describes their potential influence on IEQ, and
identifies precautionary actions or mitigations that can help to assure
acceptable IEQ. The primary information is provided in Table 2. For
many energy conservation measures, the cited references provide ad-
ditional information on the IEQ impacts or on the related precautions
and mitigations. The measures marked with “♦ in ” Table 2 deserve
special consideration because they will often simultaneously improve
IEQ and save energy. Because of the growing interest in IEQ, energy
efficiency proposals that are expected to protect or improve IEQ will
have a competitive advantage relative to proposals that ignore IEQ.
The last column of Table 2 links each energy conservation measure
to the most directly relevant IEQ measurement and verification (M&V)
alternatives provided subsequently in Table 4.

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