The Biography of the Prophet
exchange of thoughts and ideas. Two great empires, Sasanid and Byzantine, on either side of the Arabian Peninsula, governed the ...
idolatry and of Ishmaelite superstition, setting from every quarter with an unbroken and unebbing surge towards the Ka’ba, gave ...
The Arabian Peninsula Arabia is the largest peninsula in the world. The Arabs call it 'Jaziratul-Arab' which means the "Island o ...
Life in the desert was hard and filled with danger. The Bedouin felt bound to the family and to the clan, on which depended his ...
divide the 'Adnan into two sub-groups which they term as Rabi'a and Mudar. There had been a marked rivalry from the distant past ...
refers to the Arabs. Josephus (37—100 B.C.) gives some valuable historical and geographical details about the Arabs and Nabataea ...
EARLIER REVEALED RELIGIONS IN ARABIA Arabia had been the birth-place of several Prophets of God (u) in the bygone times. The Qur ...
Isma'il in Makkah The patriarch Ibrahim (Abraham) u, came down to the valley of Makkah surrounded by mountains, naked rocks and ...
"Our Lord! And raise up in their midst a messenger from among them who shall recite unto them Your revelations, and shall instru ...
Quraish God answered each and every prayer sent up by Ibrahim and Isma'il (u). The descen- dants of Isma'il multiplied exceeding ...
Bani Hashim preserved by the historians and genealogists, although fewer in number, elo- quently speak of the nobility of their ...
inscriptions were Manat and al-'Uzza, of Koranic fame, Hubal also figures in the inscrip- tions." It is noteworthy that the abov ...
THE BATTLE OF THE ELEPHANTS It was during this period that a significant event, unparalleled in the history of Arabia, came to p ...
Ka'bah nor they could have exchanged it with anything howsoever precious. The perturba- tion caused by the declared intentions o ...
to rise with the final dispensation to be brought by him. One could say that the incident foretold the advent of the great Proph ...
The Metropolis Historical records, collections of pre-Islamic poetry, and what is known of the habits, cus- toms, norms and trad ...
The chiefs and other well-to-do persons among the Quraysh usually built their houses of stones and had many rooms in them, with ...
kept in a tent during the peace-time and on the horseback during battles; 'Umar b. al- Khattab (t) was sent as the envoy of Qura ...
Women also took part in commercial undertakings and fitted out their own caravans bound for Syria and other countries. Khadija b ...
with the image and name of the Emperor impressed on it as stated by Ibn 'Abd-ul-Bar in the Al-Tamhid. Old Arabic manuscripts men ...
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