Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi cassiae: tonifies and moves Yang and is used for Cold Painful
Obstruction Syndrome especially of the upper part of the body.
Qiang Huo Radix et Rhizoma Notopterygii: expels Wind and is used for Wind Painful
Obstruction Syndrome especially of the neck.
Niu Xi Radix Achyranthis bidentatae seu Cyathulae: moves Blood and is used for chronic
Painful Obstruction Syndrome of the lower back and knees.
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae sinensis: nourishes Blood and is used for chronic Painful Obstruction
Syndrome with an underlying Blood deficiency.
Sang Ji Sheng Ramus Loranthi: nourishes Liver-Blood and is used for chronic Painful
Obstruction Syndrome with an underlying Blood deficiency.
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis macrocephalae: tonifies Qi and dries Dampness and is used for
Damp Painful Obstruction Syndrome.
Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis lanceae: dries Dampness and is used for Damp Painful
Obstruction Syndrome.
Ru Xiang Gummi Olibanum: moves Blood and is used for chronic Painful Obstruction
Syndrome with an underlying stasis of Blood and very painful and stiff joints.
Yi Yi Ren Semen Coicis lachryma jobi: drains Dampness and is used for Damp Painful
Obstruction Syndrome with swollen joints.
Mu Tong Caulis Akebiae: invigorates the Connecting channels and is used for Heat Painful
Obstruction Syndrome with numbness of the limbs.
Lu Jiao Cornu Cervi: tonifies Kidney-Yang and strengthens the Governing Vessel and is used
for chronic Painful Obstruction Syndrome with underlying Yang deficiency and internal Cold.
Some herbs specifically affect the limbs and are therefore used for Painful Obstruction
Syndrome of elbows, knees, wrists, ankles, fingers and toes:
Sang Zhi Ramulus Mori albae
Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi cassiae (upper limbs)
Ji Xue Teng Caulis Millettiae seu Spatholobi (lower limbs)
Luo Shi Teng Caulis Trachelospermi jasminoidis