- Ge Gen relaxes the sinews and expels Wind.
- Fu Ling expels Dampness.
- Dang Gui nourishes Blood and is added according to the principle of "nourishing Blood
in order to extinguish Wind". - Rou Gui is very warm and is added to expel Cold, as Wind is often combined with Cold.
- Huang Qin is cold and is added to balance all the other ingredients most of which are
warm or hot. - Sheng Jiang helps to expel Wind and Cold.
- Gan Cao and Da Zao harmonize the Middle.
Empirical prescription from Dr Jiao Shu De
Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi cassiae 9 g
Fu Zi Radix Aconiti carmichaeli praeparata 6 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis macrocephalae 9 g
Qiang Huo Radix et Rhizoma Notopterygii 9 g
Du Huo Radix Angelicae pubescentis 9 g
Wei Ling Xian Radix Clematidis chinensis 10 g
Fang Ji Radix Stephaniae tetrandae 9 g
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae sinensis 9 g
Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae uralensis 5 g
This formula differs from the previous one in so far as it is warmer in energy and is more
specific for the spine.
- Gui Zhi expels Wind and scatters Cold.
- Fu Zi scatters Cold.
- Bai Zhu drains Dampness. Thus, the first three herbs eliminate Wind, Cold and
Dampness, the three pathogenic factors causing Painful Obstruction Syndrome.