Lu Gen Rhizoma Phragmitis communis
Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae uralensis
This tablet has the same ingredients and functions as the formula Sang Ju Yin
Morus-Chrysan-themum Decoction: it expels Wind-Heat from the Lung's Defensive-Qi portion
and restores the descending of Lung-Qi. Although it contains no herbs which stop bleeding, it
will do so by treating the Root, i.e. expelling Wind-Heat from the Lungs.
Liver-Fire Invading Lungs
Clinical Manifestations
Cough with fresh-red blood in sputum, hypochondrial pain, irritability, propensity to outbursts of
anger, a bitter taste.
Tongue: Red with yellow coating.
Pulse: Wiry and Rapid.
Treatment Principle
Clear Liver-Fire, clear the Lungs, cool Blood and stop bleeding.
General Prescription
LIV-2 Xingjian, L.I.-11 Quchi, SP-10 Xuehai, BL-17 Geshu, LU-10 Yuji, LU-6 Kongzui.
- LIV-2 clears Liver-Fire.
- L.I.-11, SP-10 and BL-17 cool Blood and stop bleeding.
- LU-10 clears Lung-Heat.
- LU-6, Accumulation point, stops bleeding from the Lung channel.
Herbal Treatment