Zhi Bo Ba Wei Wan
(Anemarrhena-Phellodendron Eight-Ingredient Pill)
Shu Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae glutinosae praeparata
Shan Zhu Yu Fructus Corni officinalis
Shan Yao Radix Dioscoreae oppositae
Ze Xie Rhizoma Alismatis orientalis
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae cocos
Mu Dan Pi Cortex Moutan radicis
Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae asphodeloidis
Huang Bo Cortex Phellodendri
This pill nourishes Kidney-Yin and clears Empty-Heat. It is suitable to treat the Root in
menorrhagia from Kidney Empty-Heat affecting the Blood.
The tongue presentation appropriate to this remedy is a Red body without coating except for a
yellow coating on the root.
Stasis of Blood
Clinical Manifestations
Period is hesitant starting and stopping, period seems to stop then starts again with a flood,
trickling for a long time after the period, pain before the period, blood dark with clots, abdominal
distension, dark complexion.
Tongue: Bluish-Purple or Reddish-Purple.
Pulse: Choppy.
Treatment Principle
Move Blood, eliminate stasis, stop bleeding.
General Prescription
LIV-3 Taichong, T.B.-6 Zhigou, LIV-1 Dadun, SP-8 Diji, SP-4 Gongsun and P-6 Neiguan,
ST-30 Qichong, SP-12 Chongmen, SP-10 Xuehai, SP-6 Sanyinjiao. Reducing method.