Folio Bound VIEWS - Chinese Medicine

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Heat. As the pathogenic factor is internal, we can simultaneously tonify
the body's Qi (i.e. Lung- and Kidney-Yang) and expel the pathogenic
factor (i.e. Phlegm-Heat).

She was treated with acupuncture only using the following points at
various times during 12 months of treatment:

Ren-12 Zhongwan, Ren-9 Shuifen and ST-40 Fenglong were used to
resolve Phlegm. In addition, ST-40, in combination with P-6 Neiguan,
opens the chest and helps breathing.

P-6 Neiguan was used to open the chest and alleviate breathlessness.

Directing vessel (i.e. LU-7 Lieque on the right and KI-6 Zhaohai on the
left) was used several times to restore the descending of Lung-Qi and
stimulate the Kidney's grasping of Qi. This extraordinary vessel is very
important for the treatment of chronic breathlessness from Lung and
Kidney deficiency.

BL-13 Feishu, BL-20 Pishu and BL-23 Shenshu were used to tonify
and warm Lungs, Spleen and Kidneys with needles and moxa.

LU-5 Chize was used to clear Heat and resolve Phlegm from the Lungs.

KI-7 Fuliu and SP-6 Sanyinjiao were used to tonify Spleen and
Kidney-Yang and resolve oedema. Needles and moxa were used.

This patient's attacks of breathlessness drastically decreased in intensity
and frequency over a 12-month period of treatment.

Case History 3.4

Breathlessness: Lung- and Kidney-Yang Deficiency-Female, Age 39

A 39-year-old woman suffered from breathlessness since the age of 4. She found it difficult to
breathe in, sweated easily in daytime and felt usually cold. She felt easily tired and also suffered
from what was diagnosed as allergic rhinitis. Her nose was almost always running (white mucus)
and she frequently sneezed when exposed to dust and dogs or cats. She also had myomas in the
uterus which occasionally caused bleeding in between periods. The blood was not dark and there
were no clots.

Her pulse was generally Weak and her tongue was Pale, with swollen edges (of the Spleen-type),
a dirty coating all over and two deep transversal cracks in the Lung area.

Diagnosis This breathlessness is also due to Lung- and Kidney-Yang deficiency. It
started in childhood with a Lung deficiency most probably due to
repeated invasions of Wind not treated properly (see two transversal

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