headaches 19-27
tiredness 345-7
Liver-Yin deficiency
asthma 128
hypochondrial pain 424-5
insomnia 296-7
mental-emotional problems 225 , 248-50
tiredness 336-7
Liver-Yin deficiency with Empty-Heat mental-emotional problems 254-7
Love 210 , 216
Lower backache 605-30
acupuncture 612
aetiology 607-8
diagnosis 609-11
differentiation and treatment 611-24
Damp-Cold invading the Back channels 619-20
Damp-Heat invading the Back channels 620-21
Kidney deficiency 622-4
stagnation of Qi and Blood 621-2
pathology 608-9
prevention 624-5
prognosis 624-5
Western differentiation 625-9
Lumbar disc, prolapsed 625 , 627-8
Lumbar ligaments, chronic strain 624 , 626
Lung channel
mental-emotional problems 230
target areas of distal points 812-13
Lung Defensive-Qi
allergic rhinitis 146-7
asthma 112-14
eczema 128-9
Lung deficiency wheezing 98
Lung-Dryness cough 191-3
Lung-Fire cough 181-2
Lung-, Heart- and Kidney-Yang deficiency breathlessness 86-7
Lung-Heat 848
Atrophy Syndrome 689-91
common cold/influenza 794-5
cough 179-80
sinusitis 166-7
Lung and Kidney deficiency, breathlessness 79-83
Lung- and Kidney-Yang deficiency, breathlessness 84-6
Lung- and Kidney-Yin deficiency
breathlessness 83-4
mental-emotional problems 271-3
Lung Phlegm-Heat
common cold/influenza 795-7
cough 180-83
Lung-Qi obstruction, breathlessness 75-6
Lung-Qi deficiency
breathlessness 77-8
cough 189-90
incontinence 526-7