- HE-7 and Ren-15 calm the Mind.
Herbal Treatment
Sang Ju Yin
(Morus-Chrysanthemum Decoction)
Sang Ye Folium Mori albae 7.5 g
Ju Hua Flos Chrysanthemi morifolii 3 g
Bo He Herba Menthae 2.5 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi grandiflori 6 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni armeniacae 6 g
Lian Qiao Fructus Forsythiae suspensae 5 g
Ou Gen Rhizoma Nelumbinis nuciferae 6 g
Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae uralensis 2.5 g
- Sang Ye and Ju Hua restore the descending of Lung-Qi, expel Wind-Heat and clear the
Upper Burner. - Bo He helps to clear the Upper Burner and expels Wind-Heat.
- Jie Geng and Xing Ren are coordinated: one circulates, the other makes Lung-Qi
descend. In combination, they regulate Lung-Qi and stop cough and asthma. - Lian Qiao clears Heat above the diaphragm.
- Ou Gen clears Heat and promotes fluids.
- Gan Cao harmonizes and resolves toxins.
Ding Chuan Tang
(Stopping Breathlessness Decoction)
Ma Huang Herba Ephedrae 9 g
Bai Guo Semen Ginkgo bilobae 9 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae baicalensis 6 g
Sang Bai Pi Cortex Mori albae radicis 9 g