Yu Jin Tuber Curcumae 6 g
Shan Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae jasminoidis 6 g
Lian Qiao Fructus Forsythiae suspensae 6 g
- Ma Huang restores the dispersing and descending of Lung-Qi and calms asthma. It is
used here in a small dose to calm asthma even though it is a warm herb. - Zi Wan, Pi Pa Ye, Bei Mu, Xing Ren, Qian Hu and Sang Bai Pi restore the descending
of Lung-Qi, resolve Phlegm and calm asthma. - Ban Xia resolves Phlegm and subdues rebellious Qi.
- Chen Pi and Yu Jin move Qi and regulate the Liver.
- Zhi Zi and Lian Qiao clear Liver-Heat.
If one were to use one of the formulae for deficiency of the Lung and Kidney's Defensive-Qi
systems mentioned above, then herbs to clear Liver-Fire should be added, e.g. Long Dan Cao
Radix Gentianae scabrae.
Liver-Yin Deficiency
Clinical Manifestations
Infrequent asthma attacks at night, dry throat, dry cough, blurred vision, dry eyes, hypochondriac
and chest distension. Floating-Empty pulse and Red tongue without coating.
Treatment Principle
Nourish Liver-Yin, move Liver-Qi, restore the descending of Lung-Qi and calm the Mind.
General Prescription
LIV-8 Ququan, SP-6 Sanyinjiao, KI-3 Taixi, Ren-4 Guanyuan, P-6 Neiguan and SP-4 Gongsun.
Reinforcing method. These points are used in addition to the ones previously mentioned for
deficiency of the Lung and Kidney's Defensive-Qi systems.