This pill also expels Wind-Cold and restores the descending of Lung-Qi. While the former
remedy only restores the descending of Lung-Qi, this one also releases the Exterior. It is
indicated for an acute cough from Wind-Cold, especially with production of white sputum.
Invasion of Wind-Heat
Clinical Manifestations
Dry cough with a tickling sensation in the throat, aversion to cold, shivers, fever, sore throat,
slight sweating, body aches, headache, runny nose with yellow discharge, sneezing, slight thirst
and slightly dark urine.
Tongue: slightly Red sides and/or front part.
Pulse: Floating-Rapid.
Treatment Principle
Release the Exterior, expel Wind, clear Heat, restore the descending of Lung-Qi and stop cough.
General Prescription
LU-7 Lieque, L.I.-4 Hegu, BL-12 Fengmen, BL-13 Feishu, L.I.-11 Quchi, LU-11 Shaoshang,
Du-14 Dazhui, LU-6 Kongzui. All with reducing method; cupping is applicable to BL-12 and
- LU-7 and BL-13 release the Exterior, expel Wind, restore the descending of Lung-Qi and
stop cough. - L.I.-4 expels Wind-Heat.
- BL-12 releases the Exterior.
- L.I.-11 expels Wind-Heat.
- LU-11 expels Wind-Heat and is used if there is a sore throat and swollen tonsils.