Folio Bound VIEWS - Chinese Medicine

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Wind-Heat obstructs the clear orifices in the head and leads to a headache which is felt inside the
head and is distending in character. It can be very severe and cause the head to feel as if it was
being "cracked".

This headache, like that from Wind-Cold, also has an acute onset and can last only while the
pathogenic factor is in the Exterior.

Other symptoms and signs include: aversion to cold, shivers, fever, slight thirst, runny nose with
a yellow discharge, a sore throat, possibly swollen tonsils, red eyes, slightly dark urine, slightly
red sides or tip of the tongue and Floating-Rapid pulse. The aversion to cold and shivers would
be less pronounced than in Wind-Cold and the fever would be more pronounced.

Treatment Principle

Release the Exterior, clear Heat, expel Wind and remove obstruction from the channels.


General Prescription

L.I.-4 Hegu, G.B.-20 Fengchi, Du-16 Fengfu, Du-14 Dazhui, T.B.-5 Waiguan. All with reducing


  • L.I.-4 releases the Exterior, expels Wind-Heat and is a special point to affect the head
    and face.

  • G.B.-20 and Du-16 expel Wind from the head.

  • Du-14 expels Wind, clears Heat and relieves headache.

  • T.B.-5 expels Wind-Heat and relieves headache.

Other Points

  • Du-20 Baihui expels Wind and relieves headache. It is particularly used if the headache
    affects the whole head.

  • L.I.-11 Quchi expels Wind-Heat and is used if the symptoms and signs of Heat are

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