Folio Bound VIEWS - Chinese Medicine

(nextflipdebug2) #1
Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae uralensis 3 g


  • Long Dan Cao is the emperor herb in this prescription as it clears Liver-Fire. It is
    particularly effective at clearing Liver-Fire in the head and ears and is therefore suitable
    for headaches. It also clears Damp-Heat in the Lower Burner and this is another use of
    this prescription.

  • Huang Qin and Shan Zhi Zi clear Liver-Heat and are the minister herbs to help Long
    Dan Cao. They also clear Damp-Heat.

  • Ze Xie, Mu Tong and Che Qian Zi are assistant herbs. They are cool and have a diuretic
    action to expel Damp-Heat. Besides clearing Damp-Heat in the Lower Burner, they are
    included to drain Fire via urination.

  • Sheng Di and Dang Gui are included to nourish Yin, so as to prevent injury of Yin from

  • Chai Hu is used as a messenger herb to direct the prescription to the Liver channel.

  • Gan Cao harmonizes.


  • Long Dan Cao Radix Gentianae scabrae is the main herb to clear Liver-Fire. It is
    especially suited to the treatment of headaches as it acts on the area around the ears and

  • Xia Ku Cao Spica Prunellae vulgaris clears Liver-Fire and affects the head.

  • Jue Ming Zi Semen Cassiae torae clears Liver-Fire and affects the eyes. It is therefore
    suitable for Liver-Fire headaches around one eye.

Patent Remedies

Long Dan Xie Gan Wan
(Gentiana Draining the Liver Pill)

This pill has the same ingredients and functions as the above prescription.

Free download pdf