Her pulse was very Deep, Weak and Slow (60). Both Rear positions (Kidneys) were especially
Weak and Deep and both Front positions (Heart and Lungs) were relatively Overflowing.
Her tongue was Pale, Swollen and dry (Plate 12.1(342)).
Diagnosis This case is a good example of a simultaneous deficiency of both
Kidney-Yang and Kidney-Yin, with a predominance of Kidney-Yang
deficiency. The deficiency of Kidney-Yin led to the development of
Heart Empty-Heat.
The manifestations of Kidney-Yang deficiency are: exhaustion, feeling
of cold, constipation (stools not dry), nocturia with pale urine, oedema
of the ankles, Deep, Weak and Slow pulse and a Pale tongue.
The manifestations of Kidney-Yin deficiency are: dizziness, tinnitus,
dark urine (sometimes), poor memory, dry mouth, dry tongue.
The manifestations of Heart Empty-Heat are: insomnia, bitter taste,
palpitations and the slightly Overflowing pulse in both Front positions.
This condition could be represented in a diagrammatic way as follows
(Figure 12.1(343)).
Treatment principle This patient was treated with both acupuncture and herbal medicine.
The principle of treatment used was to tonify Kidney-Yang primarily
and Kidney-Yin secondarily. It is not necessary to deal specifically with
the Heart Empty-Heat since its manifestations are slight and will be
cleared simply by treating the Kidney-Yin deficiency which is causing
Acupuncture LU-7 Lieque on the right side and KI-6 Zhaohai on the left, the opening
points of the Directing Vessel were used each time to tonify the
ST-36 Zusanli, SP-6 Sanyinjiao and BL-20 Pishu were used to tonify
the Spleen (it is always essential to tonify the Spleen in chronic
deficiency of the Kidneys).
BL-23 Shenshu and KI-7 Fuliu were used to tonify Kidney-Yang and
resolve oedema.
Shiqizhuixia, the extra point below the 5th lumbar vertebra, was used
to relieve the backache.
Herbal treatment For the herbal treatment only patent remedies were used. Liu Wei Di
Huang Wan Six-Ingredient Rehmannia Pill was given in the evening (8