Folio Bound VIEWS - Chinese Medicine

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  • Zhi Gan Cao regulates and warms.

  • Sheng Jiang warms.


  • Chuan Xiong Radix Ligustici wallichii enters the Liver and treats headaches.

  • Dang Gui Radix Angelicae sinensis enters the Liver channel.

  • Rou Gui Cortex Cinnamomi cassiae is very warm and expels Cold.

  • Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi cassiae is warming and enters the channels and blood

Case History 1.3

Headaches: Stagnation of Cold in the Liver Channel-Male, Age 38

A 38-year-old man had been suffering from migraine headaches for the past five years. The
headaches occurred over the whole head and were dull but intense in character. They were better
lying down, worse from stress and worse from exposure to light. They were accompanied by
nausea and vomiting without bringing up much food and a feeling of cold.

He also experienced some hypochondrial pain extending to the back, elicited by intake of fatty
foods. He was also prone to belching and constipation.

His tongue was of a normal colour and was Swollen with a dirty coating. His pulse was Wiry and

Diagnosis The headaches were clearly due to stagnation of Cold in the Liver
channel as evidenced by the feeling of cold, the location of the
headache, the dry vomiting and the Wiry-Slow pulse. The
hypochondrial pain, belching and constipation were due to stagnation of
Liver-Qi. In addition, there was also Spleen-Qi deficiency with
accumulation of Phlegm, as indicated by the Swollen tongue and dirty

Principle of treatment In this case it is necessary to move Liver-Qi and eliminate Cold.

Acupuncture The main points used were:

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