Folio Bound VIEWS - Chinese Medicine

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It should be noted that there is nothing in these two prescriptions to strengthen the Spleen. For
chronic headaches from Dampness, these prescriptions should be integrated with another to
tonify the Spleen (for example, the Si Jun Zi Tang Four Gentlemen Decoction). In severe cases,
the prescriptions could be used on their own first to eliminate Dampness, and then adapted with
the addition of some herbs to tonify the Spleen (such as Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis

Patent Remedy

Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Wan
(Agastache Upright Qi Pill)


The ingredients and functions of this pill have already been explained above under "Dampness"
in the section on exterior headaches.

It can be used also to treat headaches from interior Dampness. This remedy treats only the
Dampness and does not tonify the Spleen.

Case History 1.4

Headaches: Dampness-Female, Age 52

A 52-year-old woman had been suffering from headaches for the past three years. The headaches
occurred mostly on the forehead and face, but also on the top of the head. They started after a
fast and were worse in daytime. They were accompanied by a feeling of muzziness of the head.
There was no dizziness.

She had also been suffering from chronic catarrh and rhinitis for the past 25 years. She had a
chronic ache in the lower back and her urination was too frequent. She felt tired. The bowels
were constipated, not having a movement every day. When she did have a movement, it was
sometimes loose. She felt generally cold. The Pulse was Deep and Weak on the whole, and
slightly Slippery on the right side. Her tongue was Pale and Swollen with a sticky-yellow

The diagnosis was Spleen- and Kidney-Yang deficiency leading to Dampness obstructing the
head. The headaches had all the typical features of Dampness: they were dull in character, with a
feeling of muzziness of the head and occurred mostly on the forehead. The absence of dizziness
indicates Dampness as opposed to Phlegm. The presence of Dampness is confirmed by the
chronic catarrh and rhinitis, the slippery quality of the pulse and the sticky tongue coating. The
Kidney-Yang deficiency is indicated by the lower back ache, frequent urination, cold feeling and

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