Folio Bound VIEWS - Chinese Medicine

(nextflipdebug2) #1

  • Fa Ban Xia resolves Phlegm, makes Qi descend and stops vomiting.

  • Tian Ma subdues internal Wind and stops headaches. These two herbs are the emperor
    herbs, one to resolve Phlegm, the other to subdue Wind. Thus, they treat Wind-Phlegm
    causing headache and dizziness. Li Dong Yuan in the "Discussion on Stomach and
    Spleen" says: "Headaches due to Phlegm cannot be treated without Ban Xia and
    headaches with dizziness due to Wind cannot be treated without Tian Ma". 9(71) Even
    though this prescription is actually for Wind-Phlegm, it is the prescription of choice
    because it includes Tian Ma which is an important herb for headaches.

  • Bai Zhu strengthens the Spleen and dries Dampness. This helps Ban Xia to resolve
    Phlegm. It is the minister herb.

  • Fu Ling and Chen Pi resolve Dampness and therefore also help Ban Xia to resolve
    Phlegm. They are assistant herbs.

  • Gan Cao harmonizes.

  • Da Zao and Sheng Jiang harmonize the Middle and mildly strengthen the Spleen to
    resolve Phlegm.


  • Dan Nan Xing Rhizoma Arisaematis praeparata is a warm herb to resolve Phlegm and
    subdue internal Wind and is therefore suitable to treat headaches of this type. It is
    particularly suitable if the headaches move from one side to the other.

  • Bai Fu Zi Rhizoma Typhonii gigantei is another warm herb to resolve Phlegm and could
    be added particularly if Phlegm is associated with Cold and is difficult to eliminate.

  • Jiang Can Bombyx batryticatus subdues Wind and treats headaches. It is particularly
    useful in cases of very chronic headaches from Wind-Phlegm in old people.

  • Quan Xie Buthus martensi is indicated for headaches from Wind-Phlegm and is
    particularly useful for chronic headaches of this type in old people.

Patent Remedy

Er Chen Wan
(Two Old Pill)

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