Emergency Medicine

(Nancy Kaufman) #1



cerebral disorders (in general) see
neurological conditions
cerebral embolism 93, 95, 96
gas embolism in pulmonary
barotrauma 211
cerebral haemorrhage 95–6, 96
cerebral infarction 95
cerebral ischaemia
stroke 95, 97
transient 93–5
cerebral perfusion, reduced 87, 93
cerebral protection measures, drowning
cerebral thrombosis 95, 96
cerebrospinal fluid analysis 484
cerebrovascular accident (stroke) 95–6
cervical lymphadenopathy 435
cervical spine
injuries 224–9
assessment for/diagnosis of 221–2,
224–8, 248
maintaining integrity 220
cestodes (tapeworms) 162
chalazion 417
charcoal (activated) 169
calcium-channel blocking drugs 183
digoxin 178
paediatric use 368
paraquat 189
salicylates 173
theophylline 181
tricyclic antidepressants 175
chauffeur’s fracture 291–2
chelation therapy, iron overdose 178
chemical burns 189–90
eye 412–13
chemical incident 460–2
chemical restraint 440
abdominal pain relating to 273
compressions (external cardiac
massage) 3, 4, 6
in asystole or pulseless electrical
activity 8, 9
child 343–4
in pregnancy 389
in ventricular fibrillation or pulseless
ventricular tachycardia 7
flail 32, 220, 232

injury 231–5
pneumothorax due to 72, 220, 231
sucking 220
pain 44–60
cardiac 44–51
differential diagnosis 44, 48–9
non-cardiac 51–60
chest wall pain 60
chickenpox 117
children (minors) 335–74
abuse (non-accidental injury) 372–3
burns 255
cervical spine injury 228
consent and competence issues 452
epistaxis 402
general assessment 336–9
infusion guidelines in critical care
radial fractures (distal) 292
resuscitation 336, 338, 339–47, 371
see also infants; neonates
chlamydial conjunctivitis 420
chloride depletion, metabolic alkalosis
chloroquine overdose 185–6, 368
‘chokes’ 209
chemical agents 461–2
foreign body see foreign body
cholecystitis, acute 264
cholinergic system (agents adversely
affecting) 461
organophosphates 187
tricyclic antidepressants 174
chondrocalcinosis (pseudogout) 107
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Chvostek’s sign 139
cinchonism 186
assessment/management 2
multiple injury 220–1
failure see shock
volume see blood; fluid replacement
circumflex nerve damage with anterior
shoulder dislocation 278
clavicular fracture 276
clonazepam, infusion guidelines 35
cocaine 186–7
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