Web Design
Introduction to JavaScript and Ajax........... 208 Embed JavaScript in HTML............... 210 Write a Function................. ...
208 I n the early days of the Web, a need arose to allow designers to provide some sort of interactivity for their users. Netsca ...
209 CHAPTER Adding Interactivity and Multimedia 9 JavaScript Is Not Java Java is a very powerful object-oriented programming lan ...
210 Embed JavaScript in HTML ...................................... 2 Within the <head> section, type <script. 1 Open a ...
211 CHAPTER Adding Interactivity and Multimedia 9 TIP Will my JavaScript always work? Every modern browser fully supports JavaSc ...
212 Write a Function ................................................... 2 Within the script, type function. 3 Type a name for y ...
213 CHAPTER Adding Interactivity and Multimedia 9 8 Type a closing curly brace. Note: Some editors, such as Dreamweaver CS5, may ...
214 Change the Visibility of an Object ........................... 2 In the document’s body, type <div id=”?”>, replacing ...
215 CHAPTER Adding Interactivity and Multimedia 9 8 Type document. getElement ById(“?”).style. visibility = “hidden”;, replacing ...
216 Change the Visibility of an Object (continued) & In the body, type <a href=”javascript: void”. Type onclick= ”hideDi ...
217 CHAPTER Adding Interactivity and Multimedia 9 TIP What does javascript:void; do in the href attribute? In order to have a va ...
218 Create a Menu Using Spry ....................................... The Insert panel opens to show the Spry widgets. 4 If neces ...
219 CHAPTER Adding Interactivity and Multimedia 9 The menu is added to the page. 7 Click Spry Menu Bar: MenuBar1. The Property I ...
220 Create a Calendar Control with YUI .......................... 1 In your editor, open an existing document or create a new on ...
221 CHAPTER Adding Interactivity and Multimedia 9 TIP Can I customize the calendar? Yes. You can set parameters such as the defa ...
222 Create an Image Gallery with jQuery ........................ 4 Open the folder that you downloaded from the site. 5 In Windo ...
223 CHAPTER Adding Interactivity and Multimedia 9 TIP Can I use jQuery locally, without linking to the script? Yes. You can go t ...
224 Create an Image Gallery with jQuery (continued) @ In the body, type <div id=”slider”>. Type <img src=”?” alt=”?” /& ...
225 CHAPTER Adding Interactivity and Multimedia 9 ● When viewed in the browser, the image slider is visible. ( Type $(‘#slider’) ...
226 Create Animation Using Flash Professional ................ A new document opens. 2 Click the Rectangle tool ( ). Note: You c ...
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